
Books to Reflect On and Celebrate Aging

Read venerable books editor Mary Ann Grossmann’s warm-hearted, thoughtful review of Radical Endurance in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The review is part of an enjoyable look at several books about aging.

Read at TwinCities.coom

Aging Advice from Local Author

Watch this delightful 8 minute interview with Andrea that was broadcast on KSTP TV’s “Minnesota Live” morning show on January 17, 2025. Hosts Megan and Chris were great interviewers and listeners, and the staff created a relaxing environment in the station’s green room.

Watch at:

What We’re Reading: Minnesota writer Andrea Gilats’s “Radical Endurance: Growing Old in an Age of Longevity” is a companion to growing old.

Listen to host Tammy Brobowsky’s 17 minute interview with Andrea on KAXE, a community radio station and NPR affiliate in Bemidji, Minnesota. This is an especially thoughtful interview that touches on seldom-asked questions. 

Listen at:

Taking a Positive Approach to Aging

Watch this six minute interview with Andrea that was broadcast live on Twin Cities TV station Fox 9’s Good Day morning show on January 8, 2025. The interview begins at 11:40 minutes into the show. Shayne and Kelly, the hosts who interviewed me, gave me a Girl Scout cookie (Thin Mint) after we finished!

Watch at:

In ‘Radical Endurance,’ author Andrea Gilats looks clear-eyed at the mental health impact of aging

Read a really interesting interview with Andy about how her own life experiences found their way into Radical Endurance in MinnPost, Minnesota’s revered online news site. Journalist Andy Steiner, who conducted the interview, specializes in mental health, so that’s the focus of the conversation.

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An Ageist Disease: On Living in Fear of Alzheimer’s

Read a chapter from Radical Endurance about Alzeimer’s disease on Lit Hub, the widely read and loved national site that is “a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life.” While you’re there, you might enjoy browsing all the great content they offer.

Read at

Listen to podcast: MN Reads: "Radical Endurance"

Listen to an eleven-minute interview with Luke Moravec on the The North 103.3, Duluth, Minnesota’s public radio station. It’s an enthusiastic conversation that touches on several important issues and offers bits of Andy’s philosophy on living well as we age. The interview is part of the The North’s MN Reads program.

Listen at:

Read: edited excerpt from Radical Endurance

Read an edited excerpt from Radical Endurance titled “To Test or Not to Test: My Health Voyage into Old Age” at a wonderful nonprofit website called Health Story Collaborative. Here is their mission statement: “The mission of Health Story Collaborative is to keep the patient voice alive in healthcare and to harness the healing power of stories.”

Read: MyVillager article

Read a lovely article about Radical Endurance by book reviewer Anne Murphy in MyVillager, a widely read neighborhood newspaper in St. Paul, Minnesota. (You may need to create a free account to view the article.)

Video Podcast with Catherine and Gail

Watch or listen to Andy’s video podcast with Catherine and Gail of the popular podcast website, Women Over 70. With over 300 podcasts, three million views, and over 400,000 downloads, this is a go-to site for older women (and men!). Titled Making the Leap from Older to Old: Transformations, Truth, Pleasures, and Possibilities, this podcast is an upbeat, entertaining 40 minutes.

Or, if you prefer to watch on YouTube:

Read Some Resonant Excerpts from Radical Endurance

The venerable Minnesota Women’s Press, for their September 2024 issue, has selected several short excerpts from Andy’s new memoir, Radical Endurance: Growing Old in an Age of Longevity, and created an article from them titled “Presenting as My Age.” The issue’s theme is “Aging Bodies,” a phenomenon we can’t escape!

Read at

Listen to Andy’s podcast interview with Gloria and Heidi Horsley of Open to Hope

With more than two million visitors per month, Open to Hope is a sought-after website for sharing our stories of loss, grief, and healing. In this 18 minute visual podcast, Andy discusses both her books, After Effects: A Memoir of Complicated Grief and Restoring Flexibility: A Gentle, Yoga-Based Practice to Increase Mobility at Any Age. The result is delightful!

Listen to Andy’s Podcast Conversation with Irish Grief Expert Liz Gleeson

Liz Gleeson is the founding director of Shapes of Grief, an online training organization for grief counselors. She is also an expert on prolonged grief disorder. To listen, go to your favorite podcast platform and search for Shapes of Grief, episode 85, or listen on the Shapes of Grief website.

“The hardest part of writing about my grief was reliving it.”

In this interview with Whitney Jacobson for the Split Rock Review, a literary journal published by the University of Minnesota, Duluth, I discuss my writing process as I worked on After Effects, I hail some books and authors who have influenced me, and I talk about how I’m living my own version of a writing life.

read: Interview with Whitney Jacobson in the Split Rock Review

“Something just shut off in me.”

In this candid interview published in MinnPost, Minnesota’s nationally respected nonprofit online newsroom, I talk with health and addiction journalist Andy Steiner about the differences between normal grief and complicated grief. I also discuss how, after more than a decade of disabling grief, I found my way out of the depths of sadness, and why I feel memoirs are such powerful healing tools.

read: ‘Something just shut off’: Minnesota author’s memoir details the all-encompassing impact of ‘complicated’ grief

Photos of Andy by Sara Tucker

Books bring meaning to our lives at times when we most need to feel that we are not alone.

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Books bring meaning to our lives at times when we most need to feel that we are not alone.

Books bring meaning to our lives at times when we most need to feel that we are not alone.

Photos of Andy by Sara Tucker